Author: pmh

NS Advocate: Three National Organizations granted leave to intervene at Nova Scotia Court of Appeal

NS Advocate: Three National Organizations granted leave to intervene at Nova Scotia Court of Appeal

“On 20 June 2019, the Canadian Association for Community Living ( “CACL”), the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (“CCD”) and People First of Canada (“PFC”) (together, the “national organizations”) were granted leave to intervene at the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal in a case which is of critical importance for the human rights of persons with disabilities across Canada.” -The Nova Scotia Advocate

DRC Human Rights Complaint before the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia

The Disability Rights Coalition has filed an appeal of the March 4, 2019 Board of Inquiry Decision which dismissed the DRC’s complaint. The DRC complaint addressed the discriminatory impact of the Province’s policies and practices that have resulted in the unnecessary institutionalization of hundreds of people with disabilities, and a growing delay in obtaining supports and services to live in the community for other people with disabilities – currently numbering over 1500 people.

Frank Magazine: A Solomonic Human Rights Decision

Frank Magazine: A Solomonic Human Rights Decision

“Last Month, Walter Thompson ruled that Nova Scotia violated the rights of three people with intellectual disabilities when it confined them for lenghty periond in a locked unit at the N.S. Hospital rather than making serious efforts to place them in small options homes, residences with usually around four people. One of the complainants died during the course of these hearings.”…

The Premier and Me

The Premier of NS with DRC Folks

On Thursday April 4, 2019, Premier Stephen McNeil made good on his promise to meet Donnie MacLean (member of People First, Middleton Chapter) to accept the Disability Rights Coalition’s open letter. The letter, signed by individuals and groups representing over 100,000 Nova Scotians, calls upon the Premier to end the human rights crisis and unnecessary institutionalization of people with disabilities… Check out Donnie’s journey, the latest chapter in this struggle for human rights by people with disabilities in Nova Scotia.