
Road to Inclusion by 2023

Inclusion road sign

In 2013, the current government committed to closing institutions and providing community-based living supports for all persons with disabilities within 10 years—by the end of 2023. It was all set out in the Roadmap—a plan to community inclusion drafted jointly by the Province and disability rights advocates, and endorsed by then Premier Stephen McNeil and his government.

NS Advocate: Government abandoned earlier commitments to community living supports, new report charges

NS Advocate: Government abandoned earlier commitments to community living supports, new report charges

I remember how genuinely excited disability advocates were when in 2013 Denise Peterson-Rafuse, then minister of Community Services, announced a five-year plan to close down all large institutions for people living with physical or intellectual disabilities and provide them with the supports to live in their own communities, either in a small group home or in a place of their own. -Robert Devet

Ms. Catalina Devandas-Aguilar (UN) End of Mission Statement

Catalina Devandas-Aguilar

At the conclusion of her mission to Canada, the UN’s expert on disability rights expresses ‘extreme concern’ concerning the failure of Canadian governments (incl. Nova Scotia) to ensure adequate community-based supports for persons with disabilities. She was also critical of the idea of making individual families file their own human rights complaint.

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